April 2023
A daily walk can improve fitness, mental health and energy levels. Even if you work from home, there are six reasons to take part in walk to work month this May.
Walk to work infographic

Six reasons to #WalktoWork

Download our flyer, packed with insights and tips, on how to take part in walk to work month this April.

How to take part in walk to work month this May

For the month of May, employees can Walk to Work by making simple changes. This might be walking all the way to work, parking further away or getting off the bus or train two stops early. Homeworkers can also take part by going for a brisk walk before starting work or walking part of the school run.

Walk to Work month, is a campaign run by PAM Physio Solutions to encourage people to avoid the health risks associated with being too sedentary. These include musculoskeletal issues, such as weakened muscles and joints, leading to increased risk of injury.

Head of PAM Physio Solutions, Claire Glynn, says: “Anything that encourages people to move more is a good thing. Our joints and muscles are designed to be used and a blast of fresh air is also good for our mental health. People who walk are happier and more productive at work as well.”

Other health benefits include reduced risk of premature death. Researchers from the University of Cambridge found that a daily walk could prevent 1 in 10 premature deaths. Just 11 minutes of exercise a day was found to dramatically reduced the risk of heart disease and cancer. That’s less than half of the 150 minutes of physical activity recommended by the NHS, although the benefits were even greater for people doing this.

Dr Bernard Yew, medical director, PAM Group, says: “Remote working has caused many people to give up walking and become even more sedentary. To reverse the increased risk of cancer and heart disease associated with this, it’s important to stay active. Even a short brisk walk before starting a day working from home has many health benefits.”

Support employees during walk to work month

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