Physiotherapy and MSK Resources

Credible, reliable and justified resources available provided to you by PAM Physio Solutions.
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PAM Physio Solutions strive to provide a credible source of support and a wide range of resources to keep you updated with topical MSK health issues, clinical guidance, or published health studies and articles.

Our resources support our clinical service delivery as well as providing MSK insight and education.

Explore our Resources

Browse our resources and tools to see what you may discover.
Learn how to adjust your work environment and personal practices to minimise fatigue and discomfort and reduce the risk of resulting injuries.
Learn how to set up your workstation for occasional, part-time, or full-time use.
Many adults in the UK spend more than seven hours a day sitting or lying, and this typically increases with age to 10 hours or more. Here are some simple techniques that you can follow to reduce these issues.
Back pain is very common and most of us will get it at some time. How you use your back, both at work and home can determine whether you will have to learn to live with back pain. With the right approach, basic back pain could be avoided.
Findings on scans are often normal and not pathological.
The carpal tunnel is the passageway on the palmar side of the wrist which connects the forearm to the palm of the hand & consists of bones & connective tissue.
The symptoms, diagnostics, common risk factors, and self-management approach to Achilles Tendinopathy.
De Quervain’s syndrome is a painful condition that affects tendons where they run through a tunnel on the thumb side of the wrist.
Find out what are the warning signs for Cauda Equina Syndrome.
Recognise the early warning signs of developing condition with Cervical Spine.
Find out what are the key red flags for Metastatic Spinal Cord Compression (MSCC).
Osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee most commonly occurs in an individual that has experienced trauma, infection or injury directly to the joint area.
MRI scans give a very clear picture of the structure of the spine and an MRI scan can be used at various other points throughout the body.
The shoulder joint is a ball-and-socket joint designed to give a large amount of movement.
Musculoskeletal Disorders cause pain and dysfunction and reduce activity and performance which creates frustration and disability.
Learn how to adjust your work environment and personal practices to minimise fatigue and discomfort and reduce the risk of resulting injuries.
Learn how to set up your workstation for occasional, part-time, or full-time use.
Findings on scans are often normal and not pathological.
Musculoskeletal Disorders cause pain and dysfunction and reduce activity and performance which creates frustration and disability.
Many adults in the UK spend more than seven hours a day sitting or lying, and this typically increases with age to 10 hours or more. Here are some simple techniques that you can follow to reduce these issues.
Back pain is very common and most of us will get it at some time. How you use your back, both at work and home can determine whether you will have to learn to live with back pain. With the right approach, basic back pain could be avoided.
The carpal tunnel is the passageway on the palmar side of the wrist which connects the forearm to the palm of the hand & consists of bones & connective tissue..
The symptoms, diagnostics, common risk factors, and self-management approach to Achilles Tendinopathy.
De Quervain’s syndrome is a painful condition that affects tendons where they run through a tunnel on the thumb side of the wrist.
Find out what are the warning signs for Cauda Equina Syndrome.
Recognise the early warning signs of developing condition with Cervical Spine.
Find out what are the key red flags for Metastatic Spinal Cord Compression (MSCC).
Osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee most commonly occurs in an individual that has experienced trauma, infection or injury directly to the joint area.
MRI scans give a very clear picture of the structure of the spine and an MRI scan can be used at various other points throughout the body.
The shoulder joint is a ball-and-socket joint designed to give a large amount of movement.

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