Corporate Physiotherapy Services

Help employees to reduce musculoskeletal (MSK) injuries with onsite physiotherapy.
Restrictive intervention assessments
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Reduce musculoskeletal (MSK) injuries with corporate physiotherapy services tailored to your working environment.

Musculoskeletal injuries continue to limit the ability of employees to attend or perform at work. So much so that MSK disorders now account for almost a third of all work-related ill health according to the HSE.

Onsite corporate physiotherapy services allow for early intervention to mitigate the risk of injuries. Which is why we deliver our engaging and proven intervention and rehabilitation services directly into your working environment. To help your people return to and remain in work.

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Corporate physiotherapy services objectives

Our aim is to help you set and achieve clear outcomes to reduce and prevent MSK-related absence. Be this related to manual handing, ergonomic, display screen equipment (DSE), sedentary workforce or aging workforce. Working in partnership with you to put proactive solutions in place and collect the evidence needed to measure the impact.


Bespoke solutions

We take pride in our ability to develop tailor-made, effective MSK solutions. Working within your organisation to adapt or create services that fit perfectly with your working environment.


We look at your absence data and referral reasons. Designing and delivering joined-up, proactive, preventative strategies, that will boost MSK health to keep your people present and productive.

Health promotion

To help employees make the changes needed to reduce poor MSK health, we deliver positive health messaging in numerous ways. Including webinars, interactive videos, 1:1 and group sessions.


Corporate physiotherapy services overview

PAM Physio Solutions can deliver the following physiotherapy solutions. With end-to-end solutions developed in keeping with your unique needs.

  • Physiotherapy treatment clinics
  • Spinal Assessments (cervical, thoracic and lumbar)
  • Long term sick leave prevention
  • Rehabilitation and return to work programmes
  • Post-surgery/injury and work hardening programs
  • Workplace assessments including task analysis
  • DSE and seating assessments and training
  • Driving ergonomics assessment
  • Risk management
  • Manual handling training
  • Physical activity guidelines workshop or presentation
  • Injury prevention presentation
  • Pre-employment physical assessments

Please contact us to discuss your particular requirements.

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Featured Physiotherapy & MSK Resources


Sharing our latest thinking and expertise with you


MSK disorders in numbers


How we support each and every person we treat


Corporate Physiotherapy Services FAQs

A healthy working environment is essential to the overall success of your business. By mitigating the risk of employees developing musculoskeletal (MSK) injuries you can reduce absence and boost productivity. All of which can help you to increase competitive advantage, employee loyalty, satisfaction and engagement. Which will in turn impact positively on customer satisfaction and loyalty. The overall aim of corporate physiotherapy services is to reduce the risk of employees becoming adversely affected by muscle or joint pain and to help them recover if they do.
Employees who have already incurred an MSK injury will benefit from rehabilitation services, to help them recover and return to work. While those in good health will benefit from MSK education, risk assessments and training to prevent them from becoming injured. Be this as part of a pre-employment physical assessment or once in work and using equipment or in a role that could put them at risk of injury. Please contact us to discuss how best to optimise your budget by focusing on the areas that will have the biggest impact within your organisation.

Corporate physiotherapy services can be delivered as part of wider physical and therapy initiatives. Or by specialist experts, such as PAM Physio Solutions, with a proven track record of delivering solutions that also support business objectives. All our physiotherapists are qualified to BSc level, or above, as a Chartered Physiotherapist, HCPC registered, CSP registered and associate members of ACPOHE. They are also trained in the specialist field of Occupational Health to gain Advanced Level Extended scope in the unique & expert discipline of OH. While our ergonomists are either qualified or actively working towards their masters-level qualification in ergonomics.

Would you like more information?

We hope our website provides you with the information you need about us. If you would like to know more, please get in touch.
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