Anyone who has suffered from a musculoskeletal (MSK) injury will know its recommended to carry out the prescribed exercises if you want to speed up your recovery. 

The importance of self-led care for MSK recovery time is vital strengthen your muscles and enhance healing.

That’s why we’ve developed the PAM Pocket Physio app.

What is PAM Pocket Physio?

The PAM Pocket Physio app is a dedicated physio service you can access via your phone.

It has been built by our expert MSK Clinicians to enhance your recovery journey and increase your ability to get back to doing the things you love.

What’s on the PAM Pocket Physio?:

Featuring 100’s of MSK approved exercises, the app allows you to carry out exercises tailored to help your healing by your MSK clinician.

It also features a self-assessment to give users a convenient and simple way to understand what support you might need with your MSK injuries, as well as range of ways to contact PAM Physio Solutions for further advice and guidance.

What are the benefits?

As well as giving you quick and easy access to MSK expert advice, the app allows users to take control of their own recovery.

The benefits for users include:

  1. Pain Reduction: Carrying out the prescribed targeted exercises from an MSK Clinician, users will be able to alleviate pain through improved circulation and the reduction of inflammation.
  2. Mobility and Flexibility: Practising regular exercises helps to restore a range of motion and flexibility in the impacted area and prevents stiffness.
  3. Strengthening Muscles: Our exercise plans focus on strengthening the muscles around the injured area, helping provide better support to reduce the risk of further injury.
  4. Enhanced Healing: Controlled and targeted movements help promote blood flow to injured tissues, helping to accelerate the healing process
  5. Prevents Compensatory Injuries: Physiotherapy focuses on strengthening the injured areas to prevent your other body parts overcompensating which can lead to secondary injuries
  6. Reduction in Scar Tissue Formation: regularly moving and stretching helps to minimise the development of scar tissue, which can often impair function and cause pain
  7. Education and Prevention: Our prescribed exercises educate users in proper body mechanisms and techniques to prevent future injuries
  8. Personalised Care: As all our exercise programmes are tailored to treat each individual’s specific condition to ensure the recovery process is safe and effective.

The benefits for employers include:

  1. Self-led care by employees: Employees are empowered to take control of their own recovery with the backing of expert MSK clinical advice
  2. Reduced wait time from referral to appointment: When end users are referred through out self-assessment tool, they can expect to speak to speak to someone within 24 hours
  3. Added Health and Wellbeing: with employees having MSK related advice at their fingertips, your workforce will feel empowered to take control of their own health and wellbeing both in and out of the workplace, helping reduce the need to be absent from work

How do I access it?

The PAM Pocket Physio app is free to download from the Apple App Store and Google Play Store.

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