Exercise Therapy

Exercise therapy and rehabilitation programmes.

Proven clinical outcomes
Exercise and posture play a huge role in the resolution, recovery from and prevention of acute injuries and conditions that require physiotherapy intervention.
Exercise therapy considers activity demands, individual tolerance and targets and goals to enable a tailored service with proven clinical outcomes of cardiovascular and physical fitness and capacity.
For the employer
For the manager
For the employee
Our online platform contains over 5,000 exercise files designed to help repair and strengthen each and every part of the body.
Our qualified and expert MSK clinicians can deliver robust exercise therapy sessions and provide each individual with their own unique, prescription for a home exercise programme to complete between sessions, with clear instructions and expert guidance to enhance the experience and support recovery from injury or illness.
In addition, each exercise therapy session promotes and signposts access to specific reliable and validated advice and coaching tools to educate on the correct movement, lifting and posture techniques that can help avoid a recurrence of injury. The system allows Physio Solutions Musculoskeletal Experts and Rehabilitation Specialists to tailor and personalise exercise and self-management programmes that are relevant to the individual and their condition.

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Shoulder instability
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