Pre & Post-surgery Rehabilitation Programmes

Rehabilitation Programmes

Bespoke rehabilitation programmes
PAM Physio Solutions’ experienced, expert rehabilitators will assess individual employee symptoms and functional deficits and the purpose of the planned or undertaken surgery to ensure optimisation of the desired outcomes.
A bespoke programme would be developed and planned, in agreement with the employee and delivered either in groups, 1-2-1 or remotely, depending on the approach that would have the most positive effect for the individual. Programmes target mobility, function and pain reduction through strength and conditioning, flexibility, and movement correction to improve muscle function and joint integrity.
For the employer
For the manager
For the employee
Our focus is to support the employee to achieve the quickest recovery and return to healthy activities and best quality of life as possible.
In addition, we can identify, recommend, and supply appropriate equipment, mobility aids, devices and/or furniture for the employee, and can provide training and instruction on how this specialist equipment should be used.
Post-surgery, the treating Surgeon will have provided advice to the individual regarding how quickly rehabilitation can begin. Waiting lists can be lengthy and session delivery can vary depending on locality and NHS demand. Following proven guidelines of care deigned by the healthcare professions, we will ensure maximal rehabilitation in terms of strength and movement restoration.

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